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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Smiley baby + fun hat = WAY TOO CUTE

The other day I got to do little A's 2 month pictures. I found this super cute plaid hat and thought it would be adorable so we tested it out. Isn't he the cutest. He is the happiest baby ever. At only 2 months old he is very alert and smiles all the time. Even when he is a little fussy he is still smiling inbetween crying. It was too cute. I hope I captured his sweet spirit for you.


Monday, September 22, 2008

7 Months Old

So last week I had the opportunity to take L's pictures. She is 7 months old, and one of those sweet babies you just want to cuddle. Here is a preview for you Jen and I hope you love them.

P.S. I love her pouty lip!!! Sooo cute!! She makes me want to give her whatever she wants. : )


Monday, September 8, 2008

Frilly, Sassy & Fun

That is what Sunday was all about. (After church of course) I went with my amazing mentor Kim ( to do a fun shoot. For those of you who don't know Kim, here she is, hard at work...


She had me take along my camera to help out a little. We had 5 sassy girls with frilly outfits and they definatley kept us laughing the whole time!!! I got some cute pics, but check Kim's blog, she got some great ones!!!!! Thanks Kim for letting me come along and laugh with you!! Here a few pics I took.









Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh Lolly Lolly...Lollipop

Today I decided to get some practice with the kids. It's good to keep taking pictures for fun and not just work. Keeps me motivated and coming up with ideas. Sooo, I knew I would need bribery. So, I got theses lollipops and they were excited, so I made them take the "good" pictures before we took the silly pictures. I think they turned out pretty cute!!! Enjoy!!


Daddy just pointed out the wasp nests in the roof. Thanks Daddy!





